Hey! Hey You! Yes, you! The one with the Babylon Bee bumper sticker and the "Woke is Broke" t-shirt!
I'm sorry about your buddy Tucker. It's tough whenever someone that present in your life gets taken away so suddenly and unexpectedly. If you're really upset and need to talk to someone who understands what that's like, I'm sure the family of Brian Sicknick would be willing to help.
At least it sounds like the agreement that Tucker and Fox should part ways was completely mutual, just like that time your dog decided with your parents that it should get sent to the farm.
I know you're probably anxious to hear what the ole Tuck will get up to next, and by that I mean whether his podcast will be named something subtle like "Right or Right with Tucker Carlson" or if he'll cut to the chase and just call it "Whites Only." But if you've got a sec, I'd like to put an idea out there for you.
A lot of you probably have kids, and for an unlucky few of you, those kids are teenagers. Parents of teenagers have a nice little unspoken agreement with their kids called "I'll trust you until you give me a good reason not too." So when your 16-year-old son Tyler leaves the house late on a Tuesday night saying he's going to Derick's to study, you trust him. But when you notice Tyler left the house without his backpack, and then he stumbles back home at 2 am smelling like a mix of weed and Popeyes, that trust starts to crack. And when you sneak a glimpse at some texts Tyler sent Derrick talking about how he can't believe his parents bought that studying excuse and how crazy Tuesday night was, you decide you will never be trusting Tyler again. You gave him a chance, but he took your trust for granted and started telling you lies, and now he's lost the right to be trusted again.
The only people who lie on TV more often than Tucker Carlson are Charlie Bucket's grandparents. Tucker Carlson has dedicated hours and hours over the last year to telling us all about how the 2020 election was stolen and how Dominion worked in cahoots with foreign adversaries to flip Trump votes into Biden votes and how Democrats have undermined every ounce of integrity in our nation's elections. And every step of the way, not only has virtually everything he's said about the election been proven false, but his leaked text messages suggest he probably knew a lot of this was false anyways. God only knows what we would have learned if Tucker was actually forced to go under oath.
And how are you punishing him for this monumental breach of trust as a "journalist"? By following the siren call of Tucker to whatever platform he decides to desecrate next. It's pathetic.
Don't treat Tucker Carlson like your messiah. Treat him like your kid. Because any kid that has lied to you this much would be grounded until their 18th birthday.
The rest of America