Anyone that knows me knows that I almost never voluntarily sit down to watch a movie. It's just never really high on my to-do list to sit still on a couch and look at the TV for two hours. I'd much rather sit still on my bed and look at my computer for four.
That being said, one of my most inescapable vices is without question televised Harry Potter marathons. Whenever I happen to catch one while scrolling through TV channels, I feel legally obligated to stop and watch at least a minute, and one minute soon turns into ten, and ten turns into me sitting on the couch for an entire afternoon and realizing at 4 pm that I'm still wearing my pajamas. It doesn't make sense.
I'm not going to argue to anyone that they're particularly great movies. They're all enjoyable. They're just entirely plot-based movies that theoretically should not be fun to watch time and time again. And it's not like I feel an overwhelming nostalgia for them. Watching them definitely brings back the feeling of being in middle school, but I get that feeling listening to Hannah Montana songs too, and I'm never in much of a rush to do that again.
I guess I just underestimate how attached people are deep down to characters from a series they grew up with. I know what happens in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but rewatching it is a chance to see these people again who were super important to my childhood. It's like getting coffee with a long-lost elementary school friend, except the friend is on a screen, and the friend is using a fancy stick and CGI to screw with their other friends, and the friends don't really know you exist. But hey, it's still a fun hangout.