Everyone's got thoughts on abortion today. And I'm not going to share mine. But I will share my thoughts on the way we treat the topic because I think it's horrific and ridiculously unproductive.
There are people — real humans — on the left who sincerely feel what happens to the reproductive system of a woman is the exclusive domain of that woman, and no person or institution should have the power to tell her what she can and can't do with her body.
And then there are people — real humans — on the right who sincerely feel an unborn fetus is a beautiful yet incredibly vulnerable creature of God that has rights of its own and deserves to be protected to the fullest extent of legal and moral law.
The left is not driven by a desire to kill babies, and the right is not driven by a desire to control women's bodies. This is a sensitive, complicated enough topic on its own to be made dually so by angrily vilifying the other side.