I read the other day that, despite former President Trump's consistently demeaning comments towards Mexico and Mexican illegal immigrants throughout his first presidential campaign and term, Latino voters moved towards the right in the 2020 presidential election (even if they still voted overwhelmingly Democratic). This feels like the fox voting for the hunter. Why would Latino voters support a man who was unsupportive at best and racist at worst to their own people?
I think the answer is loud and clear: neither party has done even a remotely good job at making people feel safe. People panic and tamper with their loyalties when they feel unprotected. It would have made complete sense to assume Latino voters shifted more Democratic after Trump's derogatory remarks. The fact that they shifted the opposite direction tells me the Democratic Party is doing an embarrassingly poor job of making its core support base feel represented in its policies and candidates, and this lack of representation is creating a trust famine within the party.
Sometimes, when a fox feels unprotected in the forest, he'll vote for the hunter. At least the hunter has a gun.